2013 Poster Sessions

Poster Information

The SFU Mathematics Department invites undergraduate and graduate research students, postdoctoral fellows and faculty members to participate in the 2013 SFU Symposium on Mathematics and Computation Poster Session.

The only requirement is that the poster has mathematics in it. It may be applied, pure, computational or experimental mathematics. If you have already prepared a poster for a presentation at another scientific meeting this year, and you would like to present it to members of the Department, this is an appropriate venue. If you wish to present a computer demo this is also possible.


There will be one prize of $200 (winner) and one prize of $100 (runner-up) for the best undergraduate poster, and one prize of $200 (winner) and one prize of $100 (runner-up) for the best graduate poster. Judging will be based on both content and presentation.

Submission Details

Poster titles must be submitted via the online registration form by August 1st, 2013. Presenters are responsible for printing their own poster.

Display Details

The posters will be displayed in the IRMACS atrium. Poster presenters can set up their posters as early as 9:00am on August 7th, 2013. The poster and demo session will take place from 11:15am to 1:15pm. Awards will be made at 4:30pm, followed by a presentation of the winning undergraduate and winning graduate poster.

Posters and People

(41 results) Download as CSV

NameAffiliationsort descendingPoster Title
arachni_name11 arachni_xss_in_tag=4f31c0dd9578dec3955e67003595d23d blah=
arachni_name arachni_xss_in_tag=4f31c0dd9578dec3955e67003595d23d blah=11
arachni_name1 arachni_xss_in_tag=4f31c0dd9578dec3955e67003595d23d blah=1
Lily YenCapilano University and Simon Fraser UniversityCrossings and Nestings for Arc-coloured permutations
RobertwedCastle high schoolSUBJ1
Essex EdwardsComputer Science Department, University of British ColumbiaFine Water on Coarse Grids
Ryan McBrideComputing ScienceFast Polynomial Division: Heaps of Improvements
Ashok RajaramanDepartment of Mathematics, Simon Fraser UniversityAssembly of the Black Death agent genome
XIAO LUONSERCOptimal Movement of Sensors for the Fault-tolerant Coverage of Line Segment
Layla TrummerNSERC USRA, Dept of Mathematics, Simon Fraser UniversityAlgorithms for the Minimum Distance of Linear Codes
